Tzvi Erez Lyrics

/1584425248403824/?sfnsn=wiwspmos4:00ateBellissimo post, grazie Giuseppe.
Conosco Triora, ci sono stato varie volte ed effettivamente, oggi deve la sua fama (anche) al fatto di essere abbinato alle streghe: è chiamato (turisticamente) il "paese delle streghe", per i motivi molto ben descritti nel testo.
Un altro prodotto molto apprezzato della zona sono le castagne, frutto di centinaia di alberi delle foreste circostanti che, con i loro frutti, hanno aiutato gli abitanti di Triora a sopravvivere nei lunghi inverni di fame e carestia dei secoli passati.
Grazie ancora per questa bella descrizi0

All comments from YouTube:


10 years later and it's still the most beautiful & the best piano rendition/interpretation of this piece on YouTube. I'm speechless 👏👏



After some 10 years, Tzvi Erez's interpretation/rendition of his own piano transcription for Monti "Czardas" still is the gold standard reference for "Czardas" piano transcription on YouTube. ❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍 Thank you so much for this timeless clip! 🙏🙏🙏 Who could have thought a violin showpiece could be played with such passion on the piano? I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't heard that with my own ears.


Thank you very much!


I couldn’t agree more


The greatest gifts man can give the world is love and music.


Probably the most beautiful interpretation of Czardas for piano I've ever heard. Thank you for the beautiful music, Mr. Erez.


Thank you for listening!





Comment se procurer la partition SVP?


Never thought this piece would sound so great with piano. Have listened to it maybe 100 times. Hats off to you Mr. Erez


Si se me permite decirlo, yo recuerdo en mi época escolar (muchos años ha), una profe de canto la interpretó, con piano y una de sus hijas la bailó. Yo quedé literalmente, maravillada. Es uno de los temas que amo. Lamentablemente no tengo estudios de música, pero la adoro!



Who's Perez, I'm confused


Sorry for misspelling your name dear Mr. Erez.


O'zbekistondan salom. Men sevgan kuy, Energiyaga boy ijro, butun vujudim bilan tingladim , raxmat ❤👏👏👏


Watching and listening to a skillful musician is like being in the presence of the gods.


Lorenzo Antonio “Is it not written, in the Law, ye are God’s.?” John 10:34


Know this video for more than 7 years, and never get bored. One of the best czardas version.


Thank you very much!


​@@TzviErez WOAH you are still replying, i have been watching it since 6 years too, i loved it


@@davidgarrett4327 thank you!


As a Hungarian I am crying under the effect of this music. It's in our blood.


I am Mexican Puerto Rican, but Everytime I listen to this and Hungarian dance, I become a transformer


I want to learn this so I can play this for my Hungarian friends when I go visit them. Imadom a Magyarokat!


@@FromG2eminor you must be quite a clever girl wanting to play this CSÁRDÁS. Best of luck and have a lovely time when visiting Hungary. May I ask where do you live?


C'est juste magnifique, je m'en lasserai pas de vous écouter !! merci pour ce partage, bravo l'artiste ❤.


Bravo ! This is the best piano version on the Net
The interpretation, the speed and fingering are perfect.
I just love the last note !


Finally an interpretation with feeling and passion! I loved it




That piano has an incredible sound!


That's a bosendorfer ^^


bosendorfer imperial. great piano but good luck with the cost :)



@@eyelll4982 That's all ideea!


Да, очень МЯГКИЙ звук! Мне очень нравится, хотелось бы сыграть на таком пианино. Немного напоминает и звук клавесина.

10 More Replies.


Best pianist that i ever heard . thank you Mr TzviErez for just a great performance ..



Gives me life energy


The rose was just to make sure y'all wasn't falling asleep, keep ya on your toes


Where can i get video with fingers on piano? I am just learning to play)


tuned to perfection played how a piano should be played this is the art of a perfectionist


Гениальные руки, гениальное исполнение гениального Монти. Браво, маэстро.


That damn rose made laugh so hard.😅




Ahahhahaa still funny though 🤣🤣😂


Reminds me of the good old ppt animation 😂


yeah like wth, i wasn't expecting that 😂

3 More Replies.


Most beautiful to hear this music on piano! I’ve only known it to be played on violin up until now? Great artist at keyboard! Thanks a million for posting for all to enjoy!


Piano, the most perfect instrument ever invented! Great sound, great performance! Bravo.


I could listen all my life this beautiful interpretation and never get bored.Divine!


Esecuzione IMPECCABILE, la migliore mai sentita.
Complimenti davvero. La musica. salverà il mondo.


What a beautiful sound.
That's sound touched my heart.


I danced to these czardas when I was very young in my ballet lessons. Never forgot them! What a beautiful time it was. My teacher was a leading ballerina in the Chilean National Ballet!


Завораживает! Танцующие руки! Супер. Спасибо за позитив!


Aqui hay maestria drñicada eso es de un artista.



one of the best compositions for piano, God bless you!


Браво! Потрясающая игра!


Thanks God for such a beautiful present. Thank you Mr. Tzvi Erez you’re amazing.


J Ferreira Thank you very much!


Che meraviglia! Grazie! Una grande interpretazione, è talmente bella da convincere totalmente del fatto che l'artista al pianoforte sta seguendo proprio la volontà del compositore del brano. Che meraviglia! le vibrazioni e i toni assieme alla melodia così come i pensieri si diffondono nell'etere e raggiungono ogni luogo! Il mio pensiero è di bene, Luce, Pace, Amore e Gioia con la bellezza della musica, per tutti noi umani, sempre.



fuck I laughed so hard, best comment


+Elon Skira first it's there, then it's gone, like an angel's kiss mwah


And dont forget the zoom ins


an at 4:27 album_cover.jpg


The A-nime Team far

17 More Replies.


Великолепно! Спасибо большое! Очень нежно,трогательно, красиво. Вы ведь сыграли каждую ноту, это потрясающе ! Сто лайков !


This magnificent performance is beyond description , immeasurable , unfathomable , inspirational , specutacular and comfortable to the ear and the mind


Thank you very much!


You are welcome
I'm looking forward to your wonderful program
Good luck !
Hang in there


А вже гарно виконано, дякую Tzvi Erez.


è incredibile come si fa a suonare così bene, ha le mani d'oro


Pan Tzvi Erez cale zycie poświęcił muzyce. Dzisiaj wszyscy go słuchamy i podziwiamy. Dziekuje za piękną grę❤❤❤


When I listen to Tzvi version again and again, the only thing I can say is. . . bravisimo ! Maybe as Beethoven could say. . . When you play the piano you have to make the hearts of those who listen vibrate and burn.
Congratulations 👏🏆


Since youth that was my music. I remember a ship voyage when orchestra played the czardas to me during dinner.


Eu estou muito satisfeita com as musicas que pude escutar hoje ..obrigado.Gostaria de saber de posso ouvir qualquer tipo de .musica.estou muito contente.merci Thank you .mila

/1584425248403824/?sfnsn=wiwspmos4:00ateBellissimo post, grazie Giuseppe.
Conosco Triora, ci sono stato varie volte ed effettivamente, oggi deve la sua fama (anche) al fatto di essere abbinato alle streghe: è chiamato (turisticamente) il "paese delle streghe", per i motivi molto ben descritti nel testo.
Un altro prodotto molto apprezzato della zona sono le castagne, frutto di centinaia di alberi delle foreste circostanti che, con i loro frutti, hanno aiutato gli abitanti di Triora a sopravvivere nei lunghi inverni di fame e carestia dei secoli passati.
Grazie ancora per questa bella descrizi0


Amazing arrangement and wonderfully played! But seriously. What in the world lol 1:45