Financial statements present businesses with a broad view of their operational and financial health. Consolidated financial statements provide the same for combined companies as though they were all one business. One of those financial statements, the cash flow statement, provides companies with details on their cash positions and what affects those positions. When a business is the majority owner of two or more companies, a consolidated cash flow statement delivers accounting information in one statement.
Consolidated financial statements combine the parent company's financials with the financials of all its holdings in one package of financial statements. Consolidation is mandated by generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, because viewing each related company's financials alone can present a warped picture of reality. The parent company, referred to in accounting as the "controlling entity," is the company that has majority ownership. The subsidiary or division is referred to as the "controlled entity." Combining the parent financials with those of any other businesses it owns presents a more accurate view of overall performance.
Advertisement Article continues below this adA consolidated cash flow statement aggregates cash flows from financing, investing and operating activities across all majority-owned companies that are legally separate businesses. This means that you exclude general partnerships and sole proprietorships, which are not legally distinct, from consolidation. Generally, the review of a consolidated cash flow statement is perceived as more effective than reviewing each cash flow statement separately, because it represents the total cash flows for all the businesses. You must follow GAAP in preparing consolidated cash flow statements, as you would when preparing each company's cash flow statement.
First, prepare a separate cash flow statement for the parent and for each applicable subsidiary, majority-owned investment or joint venture. Next, use a worksheet to adjust any line items to remove intercompany sales and transfers. Confusion can result if you try to make the adjustments directly on the statement at the same time that you combine data. Next, add each separate cash flow statement along with the worksheet's adjustments. The final result is a consolidated cash flow statement.
Advertisement Article continues below this adAdjustments to offset the net effect of intercompany sales and transfers are required, because consolidation rolls all results into one and no accounting rule allows a company to sell or transfer goods or services to itself. For consolidation rules to apply, your company must own the majority of the outstanding stock, membership interests or limited partner interests in a business. If your company has voting control but not ownership control, meaning your company directs what another business does but does not own 50.1 percent or more, then you exclude that business from the consolidation.