Making art out of everyday things is my kind of fun. Check out these 22 creative ideas for post-it crafts!
Use Post It’s to make this adorable heart shaped piñata or any piñata for that matter! Find the tutorial at The House That Lars Built.
Turn a simple Post It into functional art and make a monthly calendar.
Kelsey used colorful Post Its to make a very unique wall treatment for her dorm room. Best part? It’s easy to remove when it’s time to move out.
Studio DIY shares how to print on Post It notes and make these adoarble love notes.
I think this Post-It note window display was from a trip to New York City.
Spice up a boring fridge with Post It art! I love the tulip too.
Who knew pastel Post It’s in the shape of a Chrsitmas tree on a mirror would be so sophisticated?! See more from Bright Bazzar.
Use Post It’s as back drops for parties! For more details check out the Well Crafted Party.
Tutorial oringially from I heart Jenny’s Art.
Turn any window into a shrine to a favorite video game or show with Post Its!
JoAnn turned a CD, a soda tab, and Post It notes into this gorgeous flower! Genius!
Jillee gives tips for using Post Its to keep life organized on One Good Thing.
A desk made for giant Post It’s? Yes, please! Oringially found via Design Taxi.
Post It note cord labeler oringially from Alice Keller.
Letter & number recognition
Home Savvy A to Z made a clock out of Post Its. Her’s is a real working clock, but I think this would be a great way to make a moveable clock for kids to learn to tell time.
Cut Post It notes into hearts and stick them to your significant others car for a fun surprise! I oringially found this photo on the Post-It website!
Turn a single square Post It note into a cute little box complete with a lid. Find the detailed instructions at Instructables.
Post-it notes are so versatile! Have you ever seen a Post It note watch? Are you post-it note obsessed? I always have a pack of them on my desk, a few used post-it to do lists in my bag, and as a teacher I couldn’t live with out them. Do you have any post-it note tricks, tips, uses, or crafts I need to check out? I’d love to hear…
*This is not a paid post, just pure love for post-its & crafts!
How to Change Your Last Name (and should you?) Making Monday Marvelous #119I want everyone to feel empowered to be creative with their kids so, I’m sharing what I learned for free in a 5 day e-mail course!
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I love this Jaime! These are so unique and make me want to clear out the Post-It shelf at Office Depot! 🙂
Absolutely *love* these ideas. I was delighted to discover, during the ‘Creative Management’ module of my MBA, that post-it notes are a legitimate business management tool !! That was the best news ever and I felt vindicated for all the time I had spent scribbling on post-its and sticking them everywhere – office, desk, journal, food in the fridge (labelled with days of the week it would be eaten), as bookmarks – you name it. Very clever how they originated too, from a mistake made by 3M when they manufactured a ‘non-sticky’ glue. They must be amazed at the way the whole ‘post-it’ craze took off, and the huge amount of uses creative people are finding for their product.
I am a teacher and use post-its in lots of ways. I get students to write their own question on the front and their name on the back. We stick them all up on the wall. Then students select someone elses post-it. They answer the question in their book and then go and check the answer with the author of the note. It allows stusents to work at their own pace and have instant feedback, I have 30 ready-made questions by rhe end of the activity. Students enjoy checking each others work too.
My own journal looks just like the Planner/ Journal pic you’ve posted. I love Post-Its, and carry them everywhere. They’re perfect to jot inspirations and ideas, as well as tasks and reminders. I stick Post-Its onto a sliding door in my office (the door’s behind me so it doesn’t distract me); it’s my Idea Board/ Wall. The Super Sticky Post-Its are ideal for this. I think I’m addicted…
These are all awesome! I especially like the pinata! LOL 🙂 Great round-up! Thanks so much for including my post-it wall messages! =)