Civil Code of Cambodia/B1


Adopted by Royal Kram № NS/RKM/1207/030 dated 8 December 2007.
This text in the English language is an unofficial translation of the Khmer language version. The Khmer language version is the overriding version of the document. The translated English language version was prepared by the Japan International Cooperation Agency.
Source: JICA - Technical Cooperation Projects in Cambodia

2192784 The Civil Code of Cambodia Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia


  1. General principles of private law This Code sets forth the general principles governing legal relations in civil matters. Except where otherwise provided by special law, the provisions of this Code shall apply to property related matters and family relations.
  2. Fundamental concepts This Code gives concrete embodiment to the concepts of the dignity of the individual, the equality of the sexes and the guarantee of property rights provided in the Constitution.
  3. The principle of private autonomy Under this Code, legal relations among private persons, including corporations, shall be equal and equivalent, with respect for the free intention of the individual. Public corporations shall be deemed private persons in connection with their legal relations that arise from transactions.
  4. Prohibition of abuse of rights The abuse of rights shall not be permitted. If a right is used beyond the scope of the protection originally anticipated, the exercise of such right shall not be valid.
  5. The principle of good faith Rights shall be exercised and duties performed in good faith

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