Inviting Family and Friends To Germany [2024 Guide]

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Do you want to invite your friends, family members, or business partners to Germany? Or do you want to visit Germany for personal or business reasons? Germany is a fantastic place to visit for many people, either for education, tourism, or business. If you are from one of the EU countries, then you can simply pack your stuff and visit it whenever you want. If you are not from an EU country, you must get a German visa to visit Germany. An invitation letter is necessary to get a visitor visa in most countries; with this letter, you can invite anyone to Germany.

What Does an Invitation Letter Mean in Germany?

An invitation letter is the document you can present while applying for a German visa. This invitation letter convinces your application powerfully and makes the process easy and quick. If one is applying for a German visa and has an invitation letter in hand, the German embassy can trust the person that he or she is not moving to Germany for any illegal activity. The invitation letter also proves that you will not stay in Germany for more than 90 days and will return to your homeland within your visa limit.

Obligation Letter

Some people call it an invitation letter while others call it a sponsorship letter. In Germany it is called verpflichtungserklärung which means obligation letter. If your friends or family members or anyone else wishes to visit Germany, they can use an obligation letter to ease their visa process and can travel to Germany without any challenge.

For more information about declaration of commitment, refer to our article (Declaration of Commitment) on our blog.

🔶 Related Topic: How to Get Verpflichtungserklärung in Germany

Writer of The Invitation Letter

The person planning to ask someone and host the visit would write an invitation letter to get the visitor visa. Once the invitation letter is written, you should send it to your friend, family member, acquaintance, or business partner you want to invite to Germany, as they need to present the invitation letter at the German embassy while applying for the German visa. If you are going to Germany to visit your family or spouse, any of your family members or spouse should write it. If you have a lot of members to write your invitation letter to, you should ask the one who has the strongest financial background and has more years while staying in Germany. For students, universities or educational institutions will provide the invitation letter.

Visa Options

There are two basic kinds of visas;

It is highly recommended to use a visa for your close friends or relatives, otherwise, you might face some legal and financial issues in Germany. The short stay visa is only valid for 90 days within the period of 180 days. This visa is used for private visits, tourist visits, and business trips. It is also called a short stay visa or Schengen visa.

Requirements to Get A Visa

There are a few requirements to get a visa. Let us share those requirements below;