Collective bargaining

If you’re a teacher in Alberta at a public, separate or francophone school division, you’re a member of a bargaining unit, and you have a collective agreement. Your collective agreement outlines the compensation and working conditions that apply to all teachers in your school division.

Creating a collective agreement involves:

  1. central table bargaining, which is province-wide and involves school boards and the Government of Alberta.
  2. local bargaining, which is completed with individual locals.

Curious about the difference is between central and table matters? See the 2024 List of All Matters (En Français).

3 steps to a collective agreement

In step 1, the Association and the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA) negotiate the list of central items.

In step 2, the Association and TEBA negotiate individual central items on that list.

In step 3, bargaining units and school divisions negotiate the local items

What's happening now

Bargaining Process Graphic showing current status is at Matters Bargaining that starts by end of June

2024 Bargaining updates

The latest updates from the central table bargaining committee (CTBC)

Bargaining basics

A brief outline of the bargaining process for teachers employed in Alberta's public, separate or francophone school divisions.

The ATA is producing a series of shorts to ensure members have a good understanding of the collective bargaining process. Produced in English and French, the series covers the following topics.

  1. Why bargain collectively?
  2. What’s my role?
  3. Process overview
  4. Who represents you
  5. Central and local bargaining
  6. Preparation and opening
  7. Negotiations and mediation
  8. Impasse and dispute
  9. Resolution, ratification and agreement

More information

Two hands shaking over a contract

Collective agreements

Collective agreements for teachers employed in each of Alberta's 61 public, separate and francophone school divisions

Popcorn, movie camera and ticket in front of a red curtain

2020 Memorandum of Agreements

List of Local Agreements reached for the 2020 bargaining round

Graphic for worth talking about information for teachers

Worth talking about

Information to help teachers develop perspective on education news affecting classrooms