The Uncontested Divorce

I was chatting with a friend a couple of weeks ago, and he shared a horror story that really stuck with me. He was helping out another friend whose partner had recently passed away. It was a sad situation, made even worse by a legal mess that could’ve been avoided. You see, the gentleman who passed away had never formally separated or filed for a divorce from his previous partner. When he died, his assets—including the home he was living in with his new love, who was pregnant and staying home with their two-year-old—were still technically tied to his not-yet-ex-wife. The result? The current love of his life was left with next to nothing, while the previous wife, who he hadn’t lived with for five years, walked away with a bundle of money. Talk about a nightmare. The thing is, this isn’t an isolated incident. There are plenty of people out there who end their marriages informally but never take the necessary steps to legally finalize their independence from their ex. It’s baffling, really. Do they think they’re going to get back together? Or is it just about holding on to the past? Whatever the reason, avoiding the legal side of ending a marriage is a huge mistake. The Uncontested Divorce is actually the easiest and least expensive part of the divorce process in Ontario. The reason is that the Uncontested Divorce has nothing to do with support, dividing assets or dealing with children… that is all dealt with in the Separation Agreement. When that is all completed and signed, you file for the Uncontested Divorce, which will formally and legally end the marriage. In Ontario, the process for an uncontested divorce is straightforward. You don’t need to prove “cause” like in the old days. As long as no one’s making a claim for support, parenting orders, or asset splitting, you can file a simple application and be done with it. No drama, no dragging things out. It’s quick, it’s clean, and it’s a whole lot cheaper than leaving things to chance. So, if you’re someone who’s been putting off that final step, don’t. An uncontested divorce is the smartest, most cost-effective way to ensure that you’re truly free and clear from your past relationship. Because the cost of not doing it could be far higher than you ever imagined.

Family Mediation in Smooth Rock Ontario

The Unofficial Rules of Divorce:

  1. Divorce gets prickly, even in the most amicable situation
  2. It’s often less about the legalities and more about the money
  3. People make expensive mistakes because they don’t make a plan
  4. Before you do anything, understand your rights, obligations & complexities