Blumberg Legal Forms ®

Blumberg legal forms are respected by courts and attorneys for ease of use and the breadth of practice areas covered. Whether you need an apartment lease, power of attorney, certificate to conduct business under an assumed name (DBA) or legal forms for other needs, it's likely we have just the right form. Blumberg offers paper and online forms.

Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019

All Blumberg forms are available in paper and online at, except where stated otherwise.

What is the New York Housing Stability Act of 2019

The "Housing Stability and Tenant Protection act of 2019"; extends and makes certain provisions of law permanent relating to rent control and rent stabilization.

The act makes reforms that dramatically limit landlords' ability to raise rents on the basis of building and apartment renovations.

Paper Legal Forms

Blumberg publishes paper legal forms for the following states and nationwide. To select forms, click on a state. Then navigate to the practice area for which you need a form. If the state you want is not listed, the form may be listed under nationwide. Or it may be available on Blumberg Online Legal Forms.

Always check nationwide if your form is not listed in your state.

Paper forms are available in full packages only. For single forms purchase from a dealer or from Blumberg Forms Online below.

Online Legal Forms at BlumbergLegalForms ® .com

Use Blumberg Legal Forms Online to complete forms faster by using data from prior transactions. Email drafts to others for faster review. Also, if you want a Blumberg form for only one transaction, our online forms site is the place to fill out a form and print it. Click on a link below to see our online legal forms for the following states and nationwide.

See the entire Blumberg Legal Form instantly before you buy it.

If you need to review a legal form before you buy it, click on the BFO (Blumberg Forms Online) icon next to the form. This will open a PDF of the form. Although you cannot print a blank form (Blumberg’s blank legal forms are available only as paper forms), you can read and review the entire form for free. After reviewing the form, if you want to buy it, navigate back to the page from which you came and put the form into the shopping cart. We sell paper legal forms in various quantities depending on the page length of the form. When you order 1, we will ship one package of forms with the quantity stated in the description of the form.

If you want a single form, rather than one package of forms, fill in the form at our online forms site. See the instructions on You can also buy small quantities of Blumberg Legal Forms from many local stores that sell legal forms.

Blumberg Forms Online ®

BlumberPopular New York Forms